Become a Mystery Shopper for FREE
Please take a moment to read through the following before proceeding to the mystery shopper application form at the bottom of this page.
Don't Fall for Any Scams!
Unfortunately there are scams out there that take advantage of people wanting to be mystery shoppers. The most well used, and costly to you, is one that involves asking you to cash what turns out to be a bad cheque for a large sum of money, and sending the scammers a money-gram in return for a significantly lesser amount, with the difference being your fee. Their cheque is going to bounce, and you have already sent them the money-gram. The newest variation of this is sending you a real looking money order instead of a cheque. It is a fake money order, and the bank will hold YOU responsible for the entire amount when they eventually discover it is fake. Please do your research to avoid being taken advantage of and use to help you research any mystery shopping opportunities that don�t seem quite right. Mystery Shopping Canada Inc will never mail you a mystery shopping assignment of any kind.
Unfortunately again there are also companies that advertise in newspapers and make their ads sound like they are a mystery shopping company. In fact, one company has a similar sounding website to our own. However, they only offer you information about mystery shopping and how to become a mystery shopper, they do not have clients, they do not have mystery shops available for you. They charge you a fee for this information. We do not recommend this. We do not believe you should ever have to pay money to become a mystery shopper.
Being a mystery shopper for Mystery Shopping Canada is, and always has been, entirely free of charge. Please click here to go directly to our mystery shopping software platform, and being filling out our free application to become a mystery shopper for Mystery Shopping Canada Inc.
If you are unsure if mystery shopping is for you, then please take a moment to read through the following before completing a mystery shopper application form. The link to the application is also available at the bottom of this page.
What is Mystery Shopping? Why Do Companies Do Mystery Shopping?
Mystery shopping is a fun and exciting way to earn money while you shop! The more technical definition is: "evaluating a company's front line service providers from the view of the average consumer." Or in its most basic definition, a mystery shopper's job would be to shop our client's stores anonymously, acting as the "average consumer", and complete a questionnaire after you left the store. You would then submit this questionnaire to our office by your deadline for review and payment.
You, as a mystery shopper, would be considered the "average consumer", and the information you supply speaks for thousands of other consumers. Therefore the information you supply needs to be accurate, factual, detailed and well written.
As the average consumer becomes more educated about their purchasing power, they are realizing the value of their patronage. This gives them the opportunity to make their purchases where they receive the best overall customer service. Our clients simply want to ensure that the service they supply is going to make them the establishment of your choice. They want to ensure that their customers are being greeted and offered assistance quickly. That their salespeople are using the sales and service techniques they have been trained on, and that they are providing the best possible service to all their customers. Mystery shopping gives our clients the opportunity to witness how well their training programs are progressing, as well as the opportunity to re-train in the areas that require the most attention.
How Much Money Can You Make as a Mystery Shopper?
The average mystery shopping assignment will pay $15 per store, but can range between $10.00 and $20.00, depending upon the length and detail involved in each assignment. If an assignment is for a variety of stores in a single shopping centre, the pay may be in the $10 per store range, because there is no travel involved. Or if an assignment is lengthy and more detailed, the pay may be in the $20 range to allow for the additional writing on your part.
For some mystery shopping assignments, the payment might be as reimbursement of a service or product. Some mystery shopping assignments might be a combination of product reimbursement and a fee. Each mystery shopping assignment is different and will be uniquely explained in the instructions for each unique mystery shopping job. Most retail assignments will take about 15 minutes inside the store and another 10-15 minutes completing each questionnaire.
Our mystery shopping jobs are posted on our website for our hired, active, shoppers to select their own mystery shopping jobs. Our system gives you the opportunity to select which mystery shopping jobs you can commit to completing by the deadline. There are no guarantees as to how many mystery shopping assignments will be available to you, therefore, do not rely upon mystery shopping as a regular source of income.
The mystery shoppers on our database are evaluated following every single mystery shopping report submitted and placed in a priority sequence. The better the quality of your reports, the sooner you have access to our job board to select the newly posted mystery shopping jobs. Our best mystery shoppers receive more work if they continually provide outstanding, quality, detailed mystery shopping reports and live in a highly populated area, or travel on a regular basis. Poor mystery shoppers can be declined access to our job board after as little as one report. On the other hand a good mystery shopper can move up the priority sequencing just as quickly.
Mystery shopping is most definitely a fun and exciting way to make a few extra dollars, but in no consideration should you rely upon mystery shopping as a regular source of income. It is not a way for you to earn a living, and yet on the other hand is absolutely not to be taken lightly.
Do You Have What It Takes to Be a Mystery Shopper?
Mystery shopping takes the right individual, and it is not an area where you can get rich quick and you should not be doing this just for the money, as you will soon be disappointed. Mystery shopping is intended as a means to supplement your existing income, and requires an individual with excellent listening skills and a remarkable memory, who is capable of noticing details and communicating this information clearly into written format. A mystery shopper needs to be fair, honest, and conduct themselves with the utmost professionalism. A mystery shopper is someone who understands the meaning of a deadline and is willing and able to commit to the responsibility of being a mystery shopper.
As more and more of our daily operations are conducted through our website and email, it is important to have a computer with Internet access and that once you are accepted as a mystery shopper, to check your email on a regular basis. If you do not have access to the Internet, free Internet access is available from and free email accounts are available from as well as others.
Who Else Hires Mystery Shoppers � Should I Buy a List?
Below is a list of links to other Mystery Shopping Companies, and links to websites where you can obtain additional support, training, and mystery shopping jobs. Why do we offer this to you? The more companies you work for, the more experience you will obtain. This means that when you conduct mystery shopping assignments for us, your reports will be better.
We do not recommend that you purchase a list of mystery shopping companies. The same information can be found at no charge with a search for Mystery Shopper Application Forms.
Alternatively, you can click on the links below:
You can also join mystery shopping message boards that will post available jobs at:
We at Mystery Shopping Canada Inc (formerly Westcoast Mystery Shopping) have a responsibility towards our clients to help improve the level of customer service in their stores by supplying them with quality, fact based, analysis from our mystery shoppers. We take this very seriously and we expect the same professionalism from our mystery shoppers.
As a mystery shopper you will be an Independent Contractor, which is explained in more detail at the end of the application, but essentially, you will not be an employee of Mystery Shopping Canada Inc. You will be classified as an independent mystery shopper and you are free to submit your application to other mystery shopping companies throughout Canada and the United States.
